Deconstruction:: the art of circuit bending

I accidentally stumbled upon the idea of circuit bending a while ago when i saw a trailer for a documentary some time ago- which has since then been released. It definitely caught my attention as i had never seen anything like it before. At first i didn't understand what the fuss was about, old children's toys rewired and mangled to push out sound which the toy did not want to produce, it was like forcing out a square egg out of a chicken- something was not natural about it. And to be honest was i about to trade in my gear for a bunch of discount bin rejects? I obviously was a little thrown off-my ego was too high to remember that its not the tools you use that define your sound but rather how you use them. Needless to say i became obsessed with finding out more: i present "Bent" that very documentary:

BENT 2004 from Derek Sajbel on Vimeo.




Buzz word:: Harald Bjork

I recently talked about Harald Bjork in a previous post- one of his music videos which caught my attention, and since i have been looking up his previous work as well as new productions. Which brings me to todays post. Harald has released a new Ep- Sunsets Ep. Let get into it::

Sunsets Ep 2009


Sunsets- Original Mix
Harald Björk - Sunsets (Live session)

Glimt- Original Mix

Sunsets- Live Session

After having a listen to the Ep, i have to admit i am throughly impressed. The Ep starts with Sunsets, a melodic subversive beat driven evolving composition- fully tantalizing yet at moments a pure expression of the nature of bliss. Glimt takes on Sunsets as its contrast while being a standalone and independent track. In fact each of the three tracks are unique yet the same- all three seem to invoke and contain the same elements, but treated differently. All seem to have childlike, playful, generative melodies, yet they dont become annoying or too repetitive. In fact the way the progression is treated never bores me; which all too many times, i find myself drifting away with certain songs- not here. The Last track, Sunsets live session, is the most beatiful track on the Ep and fully independent of the original Sunsets that began the Ep. The track has to end the Ep- if it didnt i would be both unsatisfied in terms of a totality and I would probably prefer if each track was an single release. The track just has that vibe, that spontaneity, that full feeling which is touched upon in the begining on the album but is held back to make the end that much more powerful.

Thats my 2 cents and i highly recommend going and grabbing a copy either digitally or on vinyl. Currently you can grab it on Beatport

Beatport: Sunsets Ep

