Deconstruction:: the art of circuit bending
I accidentally stumbled upon the idea of circuit bending a while ago when i saw a trailer for a documentary some time ago- which has since then been released. It definitely caught my attention as i had never seen anything like it before. At first i didn't understand what the fuss was about, old children's toys rewired and mangled to push out sound which the toy did not want to produce, it was like forcing out a square egg out of a chicken- something was not natural about it. And to be honest was i about to trade in my gear for a bunch of discount bin rejects? I obviously was a little thrown off-my ego was too high to remember that its not the tools you use that define your sound but rather how you use them. Needless to say i became obsessed with finding out more: i present "Bent" that very documentary:
BENT 2004 from Derek Sajbel on Vimeo.